savoir dire How we work

How we work


The Intake

A benchmark proficiency level is established in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference, the official standard in the field of language education.


New candidates are required to do a written test (“true” novices are exempted). After that, the candidate is invited for an individual intake interview. Both written and verbal skills are discussed during this interview, as are any other work related tasks and responsibilities. Savoir-dire will then, based on the outcome of the test and interview, design a tailored program in close cooperation with the candidate.



Duration of the training

The new candidate’s skill level determines both the length of the course and objective (s) to be attained. The lessons can be planned, in agreement with you or the candidate, either in daily parts or full days.


Frequency, day and time to be scheduled together with the candidate.



Lesson materials

Lesson materials and training methods are selected ,based on the skill level and goals of the candidate. Savoir-dire always uses custom designed lesson materials, and upon consultation, can incorporate authentic professional and relevant job related documentation. This allows Savoir-dire to develop practical and business oriented methods, specifically linked to your own professional expertise, and to integrate job related terms and professional jargon.


The result, is a tailor made course, fully adapted to the student’s daily professional routine.




If desired, Savoir dire can provide you with a mid-term oral progress report. Once the training has ended, the client receives a written final report, with recommendations for subsequent follow up courses.




At the end of the training, and based on the candidate’s final results, an official certificate is handed out with the exit level, in line with the 'Common European Framework of Reference' guidelines.




For references click here.

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